Theater of War

Hail Ocampo, 36”x 36” oil on panel, 2014

The Surviving Members of the Sullivan Seven, 36”x 36” oil on panel, 2014

Fiction, perfectly arranged into history, remained a delicacy to the astute strategist, but then again, so was any prudent atrocity, 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2013

The Cephalophoric Smugglers of the Ishmaelian Society, 36” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2013

A Humane Donut Celebration Befits any Defeated Colossus, 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2014

Mr and Mrs. Icarus Decide to Rehead Ocampo, 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2013

Portrait of C.W. Boyle, 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2013

Childs Gallery and the Great Aquinas Gambit, 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2014

Arthur Daedalus, 40”x 30” Oil on Panel, 2014

The Resurrection of The Immortal Jacob Coffin (For Purposes of War), 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2014

Abigail Daedalus Returns! The Northern Blockade, 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2014

The Copley Endgame, 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2014

Magnus Thrax: Keeper of the Halls, 40”x 30” Oil on Panel, 2014

Abigail Readies for War, 10” x 8” Oil on Panel, 2014

The Lamentation of James Edgar Kurtz, 48” x 36” Oil on Panel, 2013

The Fall of Fort Wixon, 50”x 64”, Oil on Panel, 2012

Jakob Coffin, 10” x 8” Oil on Panel, 2015

Daveeed Ocampo, 10” x 8” Oil on Panel, 2015

STPTR, 10” x 8” Oil on Panel, 2014

Angel of War, 10” x 8” Oil on Panel, 2014

Francois Montcalm, 12” x 9” Oil on Panel, 2013

Abigail En Route, 12” x 9” Oil on Panel, 2013

Kurtz, 12” x 9” Oil on Panel, 2013